Short bio
Tom Vander Beken is a lawyer and a criminologist with a PhD in law. Currently, he is a full professor in Criminology and Criminal Law and director of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) within the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law of the Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University. He is spokesman and promoter of the Ghent University Interdisciplinary Research Consortium Crime, Criminology and Criminal Policy (IDC CCCP). He developed several research lines in criminology and criminal justice focusing on organized crime, prison systems, and criminal justice issues in an international and comparative perspective. Many of his studies take a special focus on vulnerable persons (mentally ill offenders, asylum seekers, victims,…)
Tom Vander Beken and his team have developed a growing interest and expertise in interdisciplinary research on (mental) health, geographical criminology, and sexual abuse. The research designs applied consist of both state of the art quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Work details
- EMAIL: tom.vanderbeken@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 69 39
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1596-5070
Selected societal impact activities
- 27/05/2019 – Ghent – Book author and organizer of Conference ‘Powerfull narratives. The interment measure in a different light’
- 06/06/2018 – Brussels – Hearing Parliamentary Commission for Justice – Belgian Chamber of Representatives – Het nut van de straf
- 13/12/2016 – Ghent – Co-organizer of event ‘The footprint of social sciences and humanities’
- 07/05/2014 – Brussels – Colloquium NO EXIT – Is er hoop voor geïnterneerden? De interneringsproblematiek naar Belgisch recht – Hoge Raad voor de Justitie
Selected media
- 13/06/2018 – Knack (magazine) – Moeten we alle gevangenissen sluiten en vervangen door kleine detentiecentra?
- 25/03/2015 – Knack (magazine) – We hebben niet te weinig cellen, maar te veel gevangenen
- 26/03/2015 – Radio 1 Vandaag (radio program) – Gevangenisreizen door Europa
- 04/04/2015 – Interne Keuken (radio program) – Opendeurdag in gevangenissen
Selected events
- 27/05/2019 – Ghent – Co-organizer conference ‘Sterke verhalen. Internering anders belicht’
- 26/04/2018 – Brussels – Co-organizer conference ‘Nationale studiedag DNA. DNA in het strafrecht – welke toepassingen brengt de toekomst?’
- 13/12/2016 – Ghent – Co-organizer event ‘The footprint of social sciences and humanities’
- Criminal Law and Policy
- Criminal Justice
- Penal Policy
Selected projects
- 2018-… – Where Police Patrol: Preventing Crime Through Effective Police Patrol Strategies? Interdisciplinary Research Project, BOF
- 2017-… – UN-MENAMAIS. Een beter begrip van de mechanismes, aard, omvang en impact van seksueel geweld in België, Belspo – BRAIN-be
- 2014-2019 – Developing multidisciplinary strengths-based strategies for mentally ill offenders, BOF Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksactie (GOA)