Welcome to the IRCP-platform

The Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) has a decades-long tradition of conducting high-quality independent scientific research. It provides advice to policy and practice and participates in societal debates. The Institute is integrated into the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law of the Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University and consists of thirteen professors and many post-doctoral and pre-doctoral researchers. The IRCP has grown out of a group of lawyers and criminologists, but now houses scientists with a very diverse scientific background and education.

About us

Corona related research

Well-being and partner violence during the corona pandemic

2nd survey

More information

Results 1st survey

Domestic violence in Belgium in times of corona

2nd survey

More information

Results 1st survey

Research areas

Belgian Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Justice


Organised Crime, Violent Extremism and Corruption

Sexual Offending, Prostitution and Human Trafficking

Youth Crime, Juvenile Justice and Children’s Rights

Private Security and Intelligence


Spatio-Temporal Clustering of Safety

Privacy, Technology, Cyber, Big Data and Surveillance

Vulnerable Groups

Theory and Methods



Gert Vermeulen
Gert Vermeulen

Tom Vander Beken

Tom Vander Beken

Lieven Pauwels

Lieven Pauwels

Marc Cools

Marc Cools

Antoinette Verhage

Antoinette Verhage

Wim Hardyns

Wim Hardyns

Jelle Janssens

Jelle Janssens

Wendy De Bondt

Wendy De Bondt

Charlotte Colman

Charlotte Colman

Christophe Vandeviver

Christophe Vandeviver

Pieter Leloup

Pieter Leloup

Louis Favril

Louis Favril


The Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP)

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Policy makers




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