Short bio

Thijs Hauspie attained a Bachelor’s Degree in Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Antwerp in June 2019 and a Master’s Degree in Communication Sciences at Ghent University in June 2021. He has been active as a researcher in the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law of Ghent University since 2021 and currently works as an academic assistant and PhD researcher at the IRCP. He supports and assists a number of methodological courses in Criminology, such as ‘Research Design in Criminology’, ‘Applied Data Analysis and Reporting’ and ‘Quantitative Criminological Methods and Techniques’. Next to that, he works on a PhD project that focuses on public harassment in nightlife (i.e., intrusive and unwanted (sexual) behaviors) and the potential of bystanders to reduce this harmful behavior. More specifically, he researches whether nudging, a renowned theory from the field of behavioral economics, can be used as an innovative strategy to address public harassment.

Work details

Selected societal impact activities

Selected media

Selected events


  • Public Harassment

  • Nudge Theory

  • Nightlife Security

Selected projects