Short bio
Mathias Desmet is an academic assistant and PhD researcher at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law at Ghent University. He provides assistance for the following courses: ‘criminology’, ‘private security and police studies’ and ‘historical criminology’. As a PhD student he is conducting research concerning art crime and more specifically art theft, plunder and looting of archeological sites and illegal trafficking of art, antiquities and cultural goods.
Mathias also has a distinct interest in intelligence studies. For his master’s thesis he wrote about espionage in Belgian penal law. He is a board member of the Belgian Intelligence Studies Center (BISC) and editor of the Cahiers Inlichtingenstudies/Cahiers d’études du renseignement.
Work details
- EMAIL: mathidsm.desmet@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 69 57
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: + 32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
Selected societal impact activities
- Board member of the Belgian Intelligence Studies Center (BISC)
- Editor of the Cahiers Inlichtingenstudies/Cahiers d’études du renseignement
- Research on Art Crime and Intelligence Studies
Selected media
Selected events
Art crime
Intelligence studies
Selected projects
GRACE (Ghent Research institute for Art & cultural heritage Crime and law Enforcement)