Short bio

Marlies Sas is postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law at Ghent University. She holds a PhD in Safety Sciences (University of Antwerp, 2021), a Master’s degree in Criminological Sciences (Ghent University, 2014) and a Master’s degree in Conflict and Development (Ghent University, 2015).

In her PhD, she focused on the human factors of security at campuses of higher educational institutions. From October 2021 until June 2022, she worked on several projects concerning crime prevention, such as the SENSOC-project (unravelling and improving fear of crime, social cohesion and quality of life among residents in the Rabotwijk in Ghent) and a EUCPN-project (developing an education package regarding evaluation of crime prevention).

After working at the National Crisis Centre, she is currently involved as a postdoctoral researcher in an ERC-project concerning big data policing/predictive policing and as a co teacher in the course ‘Encyclopedie van de Criminologische Wetenschappen’, both under supervision of Prof. Wim Hardyns. Marlies combines her work at Ghent University with a position as lecturer at VIVES Hogeschool.

Work details

Selected societal impact activities

Selected media

Selected events


  • Crime prevention

  • Campus security

Selected projects
