Short bio
Prof. Dr. Lieven Pauwels is professor of criminology and teaches courses on the etiology of crime, crime prevention, statistics, youth criminology and biological anthropology. He has conducted research on adolescent offending and victimization, troublesome youth group involvement, violent extremism. His work involves the evaluation and testing of theories on crime causation, crime prevention and the use of surveys and crime statistics.
Work details
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 68 37
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0002-4491-6374
Selected societal impact activities
- 28/03/2019 – EUCPN Working Group Conference Expert Meeting on the concept of crime prevention
- 27/11/2018 – Brussels – Blootstelling aan gewelddadig extremisme en politiek / religieus geweld. Een verhaal van differentiële ontvankelijkheid en situationele resistentie. Policy Lab ‘Preventie van radicalisering in de Europese steden‘
- 13/09/2019 – Leuven – Een academische kijk op de ontwikkelingen in het preventie- en veiligheidsbeleid. Studiedag 25 jaar preventie in het lokaal veiligheidsbeleid
Selected media
Selected events
- Rule-Breaking and Victimization
- Neighborhood Effects
- Evolution of Norms and Self-Control
- Crime Prevention
Selected projects
- 2012-2019 – International Self-Reported Delinquency Study (ISRD3)
- 2012-2014 – Radicalization and the use of social media (RADIMED), Belspo / BiZa
- 2009-2015 – SPAN-Project
- Selection of supervised PhDs
- Ben Heylen: ‘The Dark Side of Humanity: the evolutionary roots of contemporary prejudice and bias motivated behaviors’
- Maarten De Waele: ‘The use of violence by youngsters in far-right groups in Flanders’
- Anjuli Van Damme: Trust in police procedural justice. Testing and elaborating Procedural Justice Theory