Short bio
Dr. Kuralarasan is a postdoctoral fellow in quantitative criminology at the at the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP), Ghent University. He holds PhD in Criminology from the University of Madras, Chennai, India. His research focuses on location choice of offenders, spatial and temporal patterns of crime, crime prevention, community policing and fear of crime.
Work details
- EMAIL: Kuralarasan.Kumar@UGent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 (0) 467 667 048
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: + 32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0401-2397
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
Chennai: Out in a park? Watch out for chain snatchers on the prowl (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/chennai-out-in-a-park-watch-out-for-chain-snatchers-on-the-prowl/articleshow/88134185.cms)
Crime in Chennai: How to guard yourself from snatchers on the road (https://chennai.citizenmatters.in/snatching-crime-in-chennai-location-pattern-and-prevention-36466)
சென்னையில் செயின் பறிப்பின் பின்னனி: புதிய ஆய்வு (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gL6bSHI290)
Selected events
Best Research Paper Award in Seventh International & Eleventh Biennial Conference of the Indian Society of Victimology (March, 2021)
Best Research Paper Award in 10th International Conference on Victim Assistant of the O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India
Location choice of offenders
Spatial and temporal patterns of crime
Crime prevention
Selected projects
Urban Foraging Project
Selected publications
Kuralarasan, K., & Bernasco, W. (2021). Location Choice of Snatching Offenders in Chennai City. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1-24
Kuralarasan, K., Krishnan, A., & Priyamvadha, M (2020). Spatial and Rational Choice in Drug Peddling at Kochi City: A Descriptive Analysis of News Reported in Print and Electronic Media during 2016-2017. The Indian Police Journal, 67 (1).
Kuralarasan, K., Anuja, A., & Priyamvadha (2020), Internal Security – Enemies with us – A Community Policing Perspective. The Indian Police Journal, 67 (2).