Short bio
Gloria Jacquet has a Master in Law (2014) and a master in Criminological Sciences (2016). She currently works as attaché management support at Crossborder (Federal Public Service of Justice). Gloria has a broad experience in the justice sector on different levels (federal- and community level) in functions as staff member, trainee magistrate and legal expert. Gloria is an academic assistant (10 %) of prof. dr. Charlotte Colman in courses “Criminal Justice Criminology” and “law and society” in the bachelor Criminology. She is a member of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) within the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law of the Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University.
Work details
- EMAIL: gloria.jacquet@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 496 69 47 90
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: + 32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
Selected events
- Management and policy making in the Belgian justice
- Digitalization of justice and accessibility of justice (plain language and legal design)
- Electronic monitoring and new technologies for electronic monitoring
Selected projects
Creation and implementation of the informative poster “Who’s who in court?” This poster explains the setting and different actors and their tasks in a criminal courtroom to court visitors.
Volunteering (2009-2018) with detainees and their families (guiding towards justice and criminal proceedings before the court of assizes)