Short bio

Prof. dr. Antoinette Verhage is professor of Criminology at Ghent University. She is a member of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) at the department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law. She holds a PhD in Criminology (Ghent, 2009), and has been affiliated with Ghent University since 2001. Her dissertation “The anti-money laundering complex and its interactions with the compliance industry” (Routledge, 2011) highlighted private financial institutions’ role in the (sometimes paradoxical) anti-money laundering system. Today, Antoinette teaches on police, policing and integrity in the bachelor and master of Criminology at Ghent University. She is also responsible for the internship program of Criminology students.

Her research interests are among others policing, compliance, financial-economic crime and informal economy. She has an extensive interest in qualitative research methods. Aside from research, teaching and supervising (PhD) students, Antoinette is an active member of diverse editorial boards. Since 2012 she is the chief-editor of a new journal, the European Journal of Policing Studies (EJPS).

Work details

Selected societal impact activities

Selected media

Selected events


  • Policing
  • AML & compliance
  • Integrity

Selected projects

  • 2018-2022 – PhD promotor – Tussen denken en doen. Attitude versus gedrag bij ethische besluitvorming door politiemensen
  • 2019-2025 – PhD promotor – Becoming a police officer. A research into the selection and socialisation of inspectors, chief inspectors and commissioners in the Belgian police force.
  • 2017-2018 – DG JUST Completeness and Conformity check of Member States to transpose the Market Abuse Directive
