Short bio
Prof. dr. Antoinette Verhage is professor of Criminology at Ghent University. Since 1/10/2022, she has been Director of the Faculty of Law and Criminology.
She holds a PhD in Criminology (Ghent, 2009, has been affiliated with Ghent University since 2001 and with IRCP since 2015. Her dissertation “The anti-money laundering complex and its interactions with the compliance industry” (Routledge, 2011) highlighted private financial institutions’ role in the (sometimes paradoxical) anti-money laundering system. Today, Antoinette focuses both in teaching and in research on police work and policing. She teaches courses on police and integrity in the bachelor and master of Criminology at Ghent University and is also responsible for the internship program of Criminology students.
Her research interests span policing, compliance (related to financial-economic crime), and integrity, with an emphasis on qualitative research methods. Beyond her research, teaching and supervising (PhD) students, Antoinette is an active member of diverse editorial boards. Since 2012 she is the (co)editor of the European Journal of Policing Studies (EJPS). She is also editor of LCJ, the open access journal of the Faculty of Law & Criminology.
Work details
- EMAIL: antoinette.verhage@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 84 24
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0002-4931-5252
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
- 08/07/2019 – Interview for blog post – De complexiteit van compliance in de strijd tegen witwassen
- 24/06/2017 – De Tijd (newspaper) – Uw bank screent u elke dag
- 26/06/2017 – De Standaard (newspaper) – In het gezelschap van Jean-Marie Pfaff en Fouad Belkacem
- 11/2017 – Durf Denken (magazine) – Article: 10 jaar doctoral schools
Selected events
- 23/10/2019 – Brussels – Seminar ‘Soepel waar het kan, streng waar het moet: de weg naar horizontaal toezicht, Zuidertoren
- 17/09/2019 – Ghent –Internationale conferentie ter gelegenheid van 30 jaar CPS: ‘Policing a smart society: challenges and threats’ + jubileumfeest 30 jaar CPS
- 20/09/2018 – Brussels – Seminar: Innovatie in de opsporing: kansen en bedreigingen van Blockchain
- Policing
- AML & compliance
- Integrity
Selected projects
- 2018-2022 – PhD promotor – Tussen denken en doen. Attitude versus gedrag bij ethische besluitvorming door politiemensen
- 2019-2025 – PhD promotor – Becoming a police officer. A research into the selection and socialisation of inspectors, chief inspectors and commissioners in the Belgian police force.
- 2017-2018 – DG JUST Completeness and Conformity check of Member States to transpose the Market Abuse Directive