Short bio
Dr. Thom Snaphaan is postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law at Ghent University. He is member of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) since January 2018, as well as member of the knowledge and research platform Privacy, Information Exchange, Law Enforcement and Security (PIXLES) since its foundation in 2018. He holds a PhD in Criminological Sciences (Ghent University), a master’s degree in Safety Sciences (University of Antwerp) and a bachelor’s degree in Integral Safety and Security Management (Avans University of Applied Sciences). His current research interests are new and emerging data sources (big data), (quantitative) research methods, artificial intelligence, environmental criminology and the financial aspects of organized crime. Thom combines his part time position at Ghent University with a position as Associate Professor of Applied Data, Crime & Security Science at the Centre of Expertise Safe & Resilient Society of Avans University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands).
Work details
- EMAIL: thom.snaphaan@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0002-7887-4723
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
- Blog Kenniscentrum Data & Maatschappij: Kennis en perceptie van de bevolking ten aanzien van AI – https://data-en-maatschappij.ai/nieuws/kennis-en-perceptie-van-de-bevolking-ten-aanzien-van-ai
- https://blog.nscr.nl/2023/01/26/waarom-de-onderwereldkaart-in-deze-vorm-geen-goed-idee-is/
Selected events
- Environmental criminology
- Big data
- (Quantitative) research methodology
Selected projects
- 2023-present – BIGDATPOL (ERC Project)
- 2018-2023 – PhD research ‘Environmental Criminology in the Big Data Era’
- 2018-2021 – Social Capital and Neighborhoods