Sven Dekleva

Short bio
Dekleva Sven holds MA degree in Criminal Justice and Security from the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security , University of Maribor , Slovenia. He is PhD candidate at Faculty of Law and Criminology , Department of Criminology, Ghent University. He has educational background in Economics also (Bussiness school of Zagreb). Combinig these two areas made him expert for “white collar” crimes and corruption. During MA level his scientific interest was on top police management finding best models for activity in general creating fusion between problem-orineted and intelligence-led policing. He is active member of BISC (Belgium Intelligence Studies Center). Today, he is researcher in sub-discipline of intelligence studies dealing with civil intelligence agencies and intelligence community in modern democratic systems. His special focus is on oversight mechanisms for all aspects of intelligence activity providing the need to maintain balance between protecting national security and respecting human rights of individuals. He is active on international plan , attending relevant conferences and having strong network of expert public.
Work details
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 84 93
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
Selected events
- Intelligence studies
- White collar crime
- Corruption