Short bio
Dr Martyna Kusak holds a double doctoral degree from Adam Mickiewicz University and Ghent University, obtained in 2016 on the basis of her thesis entitled “Mutual admissibility of evidence in criminal matters in the EU. A study of telephone tapping and house search”. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Chair of Criminal Procedure, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (since 2017) and Research Fellow at the Centre for European Legal Studies on Macro-Crime, University of Ferrara (since 2019).
Work details
- EMAIL: m.kusak@amu.edu.pl
- TELEPHONE: +48 61 829 42 79
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0002-7596-9022
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
Selected events
- 7-8/12/2017 – Ghent – International conference Freedom Under Pressure: “Free movement & evidence gathering: a study of telephone tapping and house search”
- 11/07/2019 – Varna – Keynote speech in the international seminar “Enhancing the right to be present”
- 09/04/2019 – Wroclaw – Zasada wzajemnego zaufania w dobie kryzysu praworządności, Conference: Wrocławskie Seminarium Karnoprocesowe “Europejskie gwarancje prawidłowego wymiaru sprawiedliwości w sprawach karnych”
- Mutual admissibility of evidence in the EU
- Privacy and data protection in the EU
- AI and Big Data in criminal investigations
Selected projects
- 2017-2020 – Minimum standards for gathering of electronic evidence in the EU cross-border context and its mutual admissibility.
- 2016-2019 – Personal data protection in criminal matters: constitutional and European standards.
- 2015-2019 – Transfer of evidence in the European Union.