Short bio
Ludovic – or ‘Ludo’ as he prefers – De Vocht is a researcher at Ghent University. He is a member of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) at the department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law. He holds a Master’s degree in Criminological Sciences (UGent 2021, magna cum laude). His thesis was an ethnographic study situated in critical and cultural criminology and focused on subjects of glocalization, subcultures and commodification of violence.
He previously worked on a project relating to identity checks in a local police force in Belgium, which combined systematic social observations, interviews, surveys and focus groups (2021-2023). His research interests are policing, cultural criminology and methodology. He is specializing in innovative qualitative research methods, while maintaining profound interests in statistics and analytics.
Ludo is also an Assistant-Editor for the European Journal of Policing Studies (EJPS).
Work details
- EMAIL: ludovic.devocht@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: + 32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0003-0007-6745
Selected societal impact activities
Selected media
Selected events
Cultural Criminology
Selected projects
2024: Een analyse van de gegevens uit de EUROSTAT-enquête over gendergerelateerd geweld (https://research.ugent.be/web/result/project/215ad724-270d-444c-86d1-95af96142a75/details/nl)
2021-2023: Onderzoek naar het effect en de impact van het ‘handelingskader professioneel profileren’ (https://stad.gent/nl/samenleven-welzijn-gezondheid/nieuws-evenementen/onderzoek-naar-het-effect-van-het-handelingskader-professioneel-profileren-van-gentse-politie)