Short bio
Inge Claessens graduated in 2010 as a Master of Science in Political Science at UGhent. After working several years in an architecture firm, she worked as an events coordinator at the Faculty of Architecture (KULeuven in Ghent and Brussels). Earlier this year she transferred to UGhent and worked for Prof. Yves Jorens to help organize the ISLSSL XIV European Regional Congress. She joins the ERC-project ‘BIGDATPOL’ on big data policing as a project assistant (ATP) under the supervision of Wim Hardyns.
Work details
- EMAIL: inge.claessens@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 84 99
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: + 32 9 264 69 30
- ADDRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
Selected societal impact activities
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