Short bio
Christophe Vandeviver is a Research Professor of Criminology (Ghent University Research Council BOFZAP) at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Ghent University, Belgium. He is an International Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) and was an elected Fellow (2019-2024) and Co-President (2021-2023) of the Young Academy of Belgium. Christophe holds a PhD, Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Criminology (Ghent University), and a Master of Science degree in Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences (KUB-HUBrussel).
Work details
- EMAIL: christophe.vandeviver@ugent.be
- TELEPHONE: +32 9 264 97 03
- TELEPHONE SECRETARIAT: +32 9 264 69 30
- ADRESS: Universiteitstraat 4, Ghent, Belgium
- ORCID: 0000-0001-9714-7006
Selected societal impact activities
- 2022-present: Open Science Ambassador in the European university Network to promote equitable quality of Life, sustainability and Global engagement through Higher education Transformation (ENLIGHT).
- 2021-2023: Co-President of the Young Academy of Belgium (Flanders). www.jongeacademie.be
- 2019-2024: Fellow of the Young Academy of Belgium (Flanders). www.jongeacademie.be
Selected media
- 2024, July 25. “Waarom zijn stationsbuurten altijd zo onveilig?”. In Universiteit van Vlaanderen “Podcasts”. Hove, Belgium: Universiteit van Vlaanderen. https://www.universiteitvanvlaanderen.be/podcast/waarom-zijn-stationsbuurten-altijd-zo-onveilig
- 2023, July 30. “Summer Sucks: Waarom kan de zomer niet zonder wespen, plakkerig zweet en zakkenrollers?”. In Universiteit van Vlaanderen “Summer School”. YouTube. Hove, Belgium: Universiteit van Vlaanderen. https://youtu.be/AHlYHNFCxKE?si=d2XbwJ5ZL0r6ZC8G
Selected events
- 2024: 24th Annual EuroCrim Conference, Bucharest (RO). Member of the International Advisory Board.
- 2023: Doctoral School Specialist Course ‘Network Analysis in Law and Criminology’, Ghent (BE). Chair/Organizer.
- 2023: Conference on ‘The Future of Big Data Policing for Law Enforcement Agencies’. Ghent (BE). Chair/Organizer.
- 2020: Symposium on ‘Anonymization and Pseudonymization’ in collaboration with Young Academy of Belgium and Flemish Interuniversity Council, online. Chair/Organizer.
- 2020: Symposium on ‘Changing publication practices and open science’ in collaboration with Young Academy of Belgium and Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, Brussels (BE) . Organizer.
- 2019: Symposium on ‘GDPR and research management’ in collaboration with Young Academy of Belgium, Department of Economy Science and Innovation, Flemish Interuniversity Council, Brussels (BE). Organizer.
- 2019: 19th Annual EuroCrim Conference, Ghent (BE). Member of the Scientific Committee.
- Geography of crime and crime control
- Crime science
- Sexual violence
- Quantitative research methods