Short bio

Arne Dormaels is Business Developer at Ghent University’s multidisciplinary economic valorization consortium Smart Solutions for Secure Societies (i4S).

Prior to this he was Director Safety and Security at Vias institute, Visiting Professor at Ghent University within the Department Business and Public Administration and visiting lecturer at the Ruhr University in Bochum within the framework of the International Master Criminal Justice, Governance and Police Science. In June 2014 he earned his PhD in Criminology from Ghent University.

He is member of the Board of Directors of the Flemish Centre for Policing and Security (CPS). Previously he worked as a member of staff, branch policing and security at the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities and for the Department of Public Security of the Belgian Ministry of Interior.

Work details

Selected societal impact activities

2018: Niveau S, for a better Society: samen tegen malafide netwerken

2012-2014: Technical Assistance and support for establishing a network of local research correspondents on corruption LRCC-TAS, PWC EU Services EESV and the European Commission, Directorate General Home Affairs.

Selected media

Webinar Violences urbaines – Stedelijk geweld:

Webinar ANPR-camera’s: slimmer dan gedacht

Selected events

Smart Policing Hackathon in collaboration with EY, Vias institute and the Belgian Integrated Police. Max 3

Firestarter hackathon in collaboration with EY, Vias institute and Netwerk brandweer Vlaanderen.


  • Policing and security

  • Innovation & security

Selected projects

2018-2021 – PASSAnT ‘PlAtform for innovative Security Solutions hArbours & Terminals’, Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (

2018-2021 – ANITA – Advanced Tools for fighting online illegal trafficking, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (
